Intactivism: Week in Review November 13, 2010
Parents, protect your babies. Support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
The big news this week is the publication of the intactivist book The Measure of his Grief by Lisa Braver Moss and the proposal to ban male genital cutting in San Francisco. Links below.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Male Circumcision and HIV: AAP 2010 Annual Conference Report and an Epilogue on the Future of MC_HIV
David describes the various types of pediatricians that circumcise baby boys. He also posts that he is retiring from the blog. He will be missed.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Berkeley Side: Berkeley native tackles circumcision in novel
An interview of the author of the book The Measure of His Grief. The book is about a Jewish doctor in contemporary Berkeley who wages a campaign against circumcision--and finds himself feeling more deeply Jewish in Jewish life in the process. The author seems to get it about circumcision. She discusses intactivism and foreskin restoration. I have not read the book, yet. I hope it is as good as it sounds.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Cracked: 5 Common Medical Procedures (That Secretly Aren't Worth It)
Circumcision is identified as one of the 5 most common medical procedures that are of no value and may actually be harmful. Zambia: Male circumcision contest attracts large number of contestants
The article is Africa circumcision campaign propaganda. BUT, the comments show a surprising amount of pushback and rejection of the circumcision campaign. I have noticed that some Africans are starting to question the circumcision campaign, but the comments here are the most overwhelming display I have seen yet against male circumcision.
The Atlantic - The Daily Dish: The Market For Foreskins
Andrew Sullivan writes about the use of amputed foreskins in the cosmetic industry. Not only are baby boys circumcised without consent, but their foreskins are sold.
Daddy's My Mommy: Penis Wrinkle Cream
A father wonders about hospitals selling amputated foreskin to cosmetic companies for use in cosmetics, such as face cream. He left his son intact, so he is not helping the cosmetic industry.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Nine Davids: 50 Reasons to Leave It Alone
The author says that penises only come in one style - Natural - and that parents too often choose to alter what God or Nature or Evolution or The Great Spaghetti Monster created. His first reason for avoiding circumcision is that the penis belongs to the son, not the parents. I consider that a great reason to leave the boy intact.
Courier-Journal: SEX ADVICE | You should be glad, not sad, uncircumcised guy
Something for us to look forward to as we restore our foreskins. The tide is turning in the US as more women speak out about the value of a foreskin. I am sure they will like a restored one just as much as a natural one.
Fridge Magnets: Second Demonstration for Mario
A teen mom has pictures from the second demonstration for baby Mario. She refused to let her son be circumcised when he was born. Baby Mario's mother refused to let him be circumcised, but the hospital removed the baby from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and circumcised him when his mother went home to shower. The hospital and doctor are being sued.
San Francisco Examiner: Ban-happy SF targets male circumcision
A proposed ballot measure for the November 2011 ballot would amend The City’s police code “to make it a misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the foreskin, testicle or penis of another person who has not attained the age of 18.”
The Examiner: Mario Lopez Talks Circumcision
A video showing Mario Lopez talking about how he plans on having any son he may have remain intact. He will not circumcise his son.
Lawn Cares: Hospitals get my help when they stop circumcisions
After receiving a request for funds for a new children's hospital, Lawn sends a letter to the hospital telling them that he will not contribute until they stop cutting the genitals of baby boys. It is ironic, and sad, that a hospital for children, one that should have the child's best interests at heart, continues to promote infant circumcision, a cosmetic surgery that has the potential to harm the child and the man he will grow up to be. Unfortunately, infant circumcision makes hospitals a lot of money with little risk and effort.
The Monster's Ink: Foreskins and face creams, my bitches!
The amputed forskins from baby boys are used for various purposes, including as an ingredient in cosmetics. The public frowns on testing cosmetics on animals, but finds it OK to perform cosmetic surgery on infants, often without anesthesia, in order to make those cosmetics. Shameful.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
CBS San Francisco: Circumcision Ban May End Up On San Francisco Ballot
“It’s genital mutilation,” said Lloyd Schofield, the author of a San Francisco ballot measure that would make it a “misdemeanor to circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the…genitals” of a person under 18. “Tattooing a child is banned as a felony and circumcision is more harmful than a tattoo,” said Schofield, who believes religious traditions should change.
Introvoracious: Mr. Kellogg says “NO!” to your evil genital-touching ways.
An essay on John Harvey Kellogg and his writings advocating circumcision and other genital mutilation. Kellogg was advocating against masturbation and other forms of self-pleasure.
Friday, November 12, 2010
The Active Intactivist: A Nursing Student is Introduced to Circumcision
A nursing student writes of how witnessing an infant circumcision made her question the practice. She is an advocate for genital integrity and believes that babies should not be circumcised.
AOL News: San Francisco Considers Male Circumcision Ban Ban on circumcision proposed in SF
More articles on the proposed ban on male infant circumcision in San Francisco. AOL News takes a sympathetic view of the proposed bill and recognizes that male infant circumcision has no real benefits.
The Atlantic - The Daily Dish: A Flight From Male Genital Mutilation?
Andrew Sullivan belatedly notes that the male infant circumcision rate has fallen in the United States.
HeraldSun: Doctor barred but still at work
A doctor botches a male circumcision and is suspended for three months, after he wraps up his current patients. This doctor was previously disciplined for improperly touching a woman's breasts and telling her she needed implants. Sounds like this doctor has some sexual problems.
Male Circumcision and HIV: SF MGM Bill: Let the people decide!
Video of Lloyd Schofield on CBS 5 discussing his valiant efforts to get the San Francisco genital mutilation bill on the ballot.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
TheHuffington Post: San Francisco Circumcision Ban Could Be On Ballot Next November (VIDEO)
In support of the ban against male infant circumcision, the man that proposed the ballot issue said, "It's a man's body and...his body doesn't belong to his culture, his government, his religion or even his parents. It's his decision."
Zambia Post Online: Boys see circumcision as a licence for unprotected sex
Confirmation that many victims of the circumcision campaign in Africa believe that their circumcision will protect them from HIV and that condoms are not needed.
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