Intactivism: Week in Review August 21, 2010
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
The drop in the male infnat circumcision rate to 32.5% in 2009 is finally hitting the news. The New York Times reported on the CDC presentation where the lower circumcision rate was first reported. Then, the blogosphere picked it up.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
MyMamaMojo: Intact
A mother describes how she decided against circumcision and to leave her son intact. Now that her son is 3-1/2 years old, she is still happy with her decision to leave her son natural and intact.
The Daily Guggie Daly: Stuck in a Cycle of Abuse?
With respect to the topic of infant circumcision, the direct opposite of healing is what scientists refer to as the "cycle of abuse" or sometimes the "revolving door." The abused person cannot confront his own demons and spends his life repeating the abuse that was forced upon him. Perhaps one of the most frequently uttered and yet least rational arguments for infant circumcision in America directly displays the sheer amount of healing our American males need. "I want my son to be like me."
IntactByDefault: What is really going on with US newborn circumcision rates?
A commentary on the recent intactivist controversy over the CDC presentation of the lowering circumcision rate. Intact by Default gives a good breakdown of what is currently known about the 33% circumcision rate in 2009.
Poetic Edda's Blog. "A Posteriori": That’s Just What “Everyone Does”? How Does That Insanity Come To Be?
A man reflects on being circumcised after his wife gets pregnant. He decides that infant circumcision has more risks than benefits and that circumcision is advocated for religious reasons. He leaves his son intact.
Monday, August 16, 2010
NY Times: Steep Drop Seen in Circumcisions in U.S.
The New York Times reports on the recent information from the AIDS conference that the male infant circumcision rate in the United States has fallen in recent years. Georganne Chapin, executive director of Intact America, was quoted in the article.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Its all about the Hat: My Intact Journey
A mother writes about her decision to have her newborn son remain intact, that is, left natural with his foreskin and no circumcision.
Mens News Daily: CDC: US Circumcision Rate Has Plunged to 33%
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) announced the low circumcisino rate at the recent 18th International AIDS Conference in Vienna.
TheInquisitr: ‘Precipitous’ three year drop seen in US circumcisions
Is the American love affair with the circumcised penis finally coming to an end? Like breastfeeding, abortion and tipping, circumcision is one of those topics that most Americans are pretty strongly for or against. And the procedure has admittedly few benefits and arguably many drawbacks (can we start with loss of sensation?).
Times of Swaziland: I’m not scared of hiv — Logcogco
A look at the culture of Africa. Prince Logcogco has some radical, non-circumcising thoughts: "He said circumcision was not the pinnacle to fighting HIV because there was a need for people to still use protection like condoms. . . . He said he would encourage people to take a bath and stay hygienically clean than to cut their foreskin. "
TMI Forever: To cut or not to cut
A rambling blog that eventually gets to the point: the mother left her son intact. Her father strongly advocated for leaving her son intact and not circumcised.
The Body: Steep Drop in Circumcision in U.S.
A reprint of a part of the publication CDC HIV/Hepatitis/STD/TB Prevention News Update by U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The article notes the African studies that claimed a reduction in female-to-male HIV transmission. But, the article does not mention that there is a Uganda study that shows a 50% increase in male-to-female HIV transmission.
DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: The New York Times Reports the "Steep Drop" in U.S. Circumcision
Commentary on the recent New York Times article reporting on the recent announcement of the 2009 male infant circumcision rate of 32.5%. It is good that main stream media is picking up the report of the current circumcision rates, but she laments that there are still those advocating for circumcision in the face of no need for the cosmetic surgery.
I’m So Bored This Actually Became Interesting: I’m So Bored I Decided To Read That Circumcision Is Slowly Dying In The U.S.
A report of the NY Times article. The blogger says, "Always thought it was weird that the first thing people think when a little infant boy pops out is ‘great! now let’s chop a little part of his dick off!’"
The Awl: America Is Country of Foreskin!
A lighthearted look at how uncircumcised babies will grow up and be accepted in a world with less circumcisions and more foreskin.
Wednesday, Augst 18, 2010
TMI Forever: All this fuss over a little foreskin
I'm FAMOUS! Raisin Girl was inspired by my comment to her Tuesday post. She is raising an intact son and was influenced by her intact father. She also writes a very informative blog.
Woman to Woman Childbirth Education: There are none so blind as those who will not see
Kathy writes with surprise that a man got a circumcision against the advice of others, and now the man says he will have his future sons circumcised. The adult had a choice about the elective surgery, but he is taking that choice away from his sons.
Single White Females: Take2: Let’s talk foreskin
"Screamo has anatomical diagrams up on his iPad, and is lecturing us on the possible complications that can come from circumcision, including loss of sensation."
Thursday, August 19, 2010
mom logic: Steep Drop Seen in Circumcisions in U.S.
momlogic reprints the New York Times story about the infant circumcision rate of 33% in 2009. No new information, but at least it distributes the news and that is good.
DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: Cosmopolitan Reports on the Decline of Circumcision in the United States
Commentary on the Cosmopolitan article that reports favorably on intact guys. Dr. Momma admonishes them to use correct terminology: intact instead of 'uncut' or 'uncircumcised.'
Friday, August 20, 2010
TMI Forever: In the spotlight: Check out her blog
Raisin Girl found out about Fridge Magnet's blog from my post and decided that her blog was worth reading. It is.
Saturday: August 21, 2010
bioEdge: Dutch doctors told to discourage male circumcision
The Dutch have decided to actively discourage male circumcision rather than to ban it, as a ban could drive the procedure underground. Dutch doctors are sceptical of the African data Linking HIV and male circumcision. Dutch doctors believe that while it might delay infection, circumcision will not prevent it. They also say that there are some complications which cannot be ethically justified for a “medically futile” procedure.
My Road to Med School: Circumcision
A premed student wonders how she can handle the circumcision issue when she is in med school. She is against infant circumcision.
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