Intactivism: Week in Review June 5, 2010
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Announcement: The Eleventh International Symposium on Circumcision, Genital Integrity, and Human Rights Genital Autonomy is scheduled for July 29-31, 2010, at University of California, Berkeley.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
One Day at a Time: Circumcision
A mother describes her regret in having her two sons circumcised when they were born. She does not say why she changed her mind, but she presents lots of information showing male infant circumcision is harmful and not necessary for the health of the baby.
Bugs, Boys and Boo Boos: Why Are We Still Cutting Our Sons?
A mother of three sons regrets the infant circumcision of her sons. She let her husband decide and he wanted the boys cut to be like him. She questions why she was even given the option to have the unnecessary surgery done to her children.
Mens News Daily: Royal Dutch Medical Association: Male Circumcision Medically Unnecessary
The Royal Dutch Medical Association has published an official statement opposing male circumcision of children. The doctors group says that there is no medical reason for male genital cutting of children and infants. Portions are reproduced in this article.
No Circumcision: Dutch doctors urge ban on circumcision
A report of the Royal Dutch Medical Association, who recently suggested a possible ban on elective circumcisions for young boys, saying they were medically unnecessary and violated children's rights.
Male Circumcision and HIV: Sexism and Circumcision: A YouTube response powerfully presents the case for considering female and male circumcision together
A YouTube video response to an AgryAussie tirade about the comparison of male and female genital mutilation. The video reply offers very good facts showing that there are more similarities between male circumcision and female genital mutilation than many people are willing to admit.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Cabby: Constructive Criticism for AngryAussie
AngryAussie has a reputation for being verbally abusive to any person or group who does not agree with his opinions. Happy Cabbie offers criticism of AngryAussie's attitude and treatment of those who advocate against male infant circumcision. The rebuke includes reasons supporting the view that infant circumcision is harmful.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
expansion of space: Study Finds That Cutting Off Fingers Reduces Chance of Gunshot Victims
A comprehensive diatribe against infant circumcision, including a circumcision video and a video interview with Dr. Dean Edell.
In vrijheid bevallen: ANTI circumcision information; tons of it!
A repost of maria22000's blog listing a lot of circumcision information websites. The links are categorized and include a wealth of information.
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: FGM/MGM: Similar Attitudes & Misconceptions
Genital mutilation, regardless of gender, is done for very similar reasons by the cultures that condon such genital mutilation. Contrary to the beliefs of male circumcision culture of the United States, female genital mutilation is performed for the same reasons as male circumcision.
Melissa's Research Links *On This Journey of Learning*: Circumcision and mothers
An intactivist talks about her crusade for children and genital integrity. She believes that parents do not have a choice when it comes to infant circumcision. She provides numerous reasons why the foreskin should remain with the penis.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Concurring Opinions: Ritual Nicks and the American Academy of Pediatrics
"Anyone who opposes the now-rescinded policy but endorses neonatal male circumcision lives in a glass house. Like female circumcision, male circumcision is a cultural phenomenon. Unlike the sort of ritual nick proposed by the AAP, however, male circumcision involves tissue removal and permanently changes the penis. Most of us are comfortable with this result because we are socially and culturally accustomed to it. A ritual nick of the clitoris, on the other hand, is entirely foreign to most people in the United States. But we should not hold the cultural choices of others to more exacting standards than we hold our own."
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: The Cost of the Cut: Reflections on Circumcision
A mother describes how her sons remained intact after birth. Her husband was circumcised and he decided that circumcision was unnecessary for his sons. Not only does male infant circumcision entail monetary costs, but infant circumcision is traumatic surgery that takes a toll on the babies who are subjected to the painful surgery.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: Buck-a-Month for Saving Penises June Contributions
The Saving Penises program now has a buck a month donation program. Saving Penises has a Facebook page. The program offers circumcision information packets to expecting parents who cannot afford information on circumcision. It is a very worthwhile program that depends on donations to continue promoting a pro-foreskin agenda.
Salem News: Banned the Clitoral 'Nick', Circumcision Turn! Contrary to popular belief, circumcision can cause complications
An article calling for the AAP to also ban male infant circumcision because the AAP has admitted that male circumcision is worse than a female clitoral "nick." The ban against male infant circumcision is futher supported by the recent Dutch doctors group calling for an end to male infant circumcision.
youTube freedomof5peech: Strawman Fallacy: FGM vs. MGM
An informative video that explains why many people look at female genital mutilation as being totally different than male genital mutilation (circumcision). Genital cutting of both males and females covers a wide range of mutilation. Considering severity, FGM overlaps MGM.
Friday, June 4, 2010
The Gender Equality Movement: Male Circumcision IS Genital Mutilation
The argument that because we dont know anything about the adverse affects of male circumcision is an argument from ignorance and a logical fallacy. The author finds especially callous the argument that what the circumcised boy doesn't know doesn't hurt him. In other words, an argument advocating that ignorance is bliss.
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: Effective Intactivism
Aubrey Taylor advocates coming out FOR foreskin instead of fighting against circumcision. She is not anti-circumcision - she is pro-genital integrity. Aubrey says that a positive advocacy is more effective than being negative and against circumcision.
IntactByDefault: Soreness, Injuries, Perspective, and Circumcision
A critique of the recent study that asked men if they experienced soreness after sex. They questioned the men before and after adult circumcision.
Top News: Non-Medical Circumcision Can Cause Complications
The official viewpoint of KNMG and other related medical/scientific organizations is that non-therapeutic circumcision of male minors is not only a violation of children’s rights to autonomy and physical integrity but also detrimental to the children. KNMG publicizes that contrary to the popular belief, circumcision does cause complications like bleeding, infection, urethral stricture and panic attacks
Saturday, June 5, 2010
health care: Does Circumcision Decrease Sexual Sensitivity? YES!
Male circumcision decreases sexual sensitivity and reduces sexual pleasure. Historically, male circumcision has been known to reduce sexual pleasure. Recently, several flawed studies by circumcision advocates have tried to show that circumcision does not reduce sensitivity, for example by asking questions about sex being painful or if the circumcised man has had trouble with penetration.
Suite101: Male Circumcision Removes Much More Than Just a Snip of Skin
Male circumcision is more than just a snip. Circumcision removes between 35% and 50% of the skin from the penis. That skin is erogenous tissue. Tissue that would give the adult man lots of pleasure. Tissue that will give his partner lots of pleasure because of the gliding action of the skin.
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