Intactivism: Week in Review June 19, 2010
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
International Coalition for Genital Integrity: Mens Health Week march and demonstration in Washington
An announcement that supports the National Mens Health Week campaign and adds: Mens Health Begins At Birth, as a way to raise awareness that male infant circumcision is not a mens health benefit.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Kubatana Blogs: Those who use condoms correctly and consistently please stand up
An honest look at the African circumcision campaign by an African. He says that there is a lot of hype about the male circumcision issue. His opinion is that the male circumcision program will actually increase the rate of HIV infection.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Durham News: The 2nd time around
A mother giving birth to her second son has a doctor that fully informs her that there is no medical benefit to male infant circumcision. She chooses to leave her second son intact.
Male Circumcision and HIV: CDC consultation on male circumcision for the prevention of HIV in the United States FAILS
A critique of the recent Public Health Report published in Vol. 125, Supp. 1 (Jan/Feb 2010), titled Male Circumcision in the United States for the Prevention of HIV Infection and Other Adverse Health Outcomes: Report from a CDC Consultation. The report ignores the ethical considerations and fails to mention the harms and complications of circumcision.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Xanthippa's Chamberpot: More on male and female circumcision
A rebuttal showing that male infant circumcision has no medical benefits worth justifying the invasive operation on infants. There are no medical benefits to male infant circumcision that warrant removing healthy tissue from a baby.
Xanthippa's Chamberpot: Even more on male and female circumcision: balancing conflicting human rights
The medical arguments for or against male circumcision are irrelevant because the circumcision question is a question of rights. Removing a healthy body part, no matter how beneficial one may think this to be, is not something one person has the right to decide on behalf of another person. Yes, parents have the right to raise their child as they believe best. No, that does not give parents the right to subject a healthy child to invasive medical procedures or random amputations!
DoctorE: Covenant of the Circumcision
A YouTube video Covenant of the Circumcision showing one interpretation of why Abraham allowed himself to be circumcised and how he circumcised all of his followers. Irreverent, but funny.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Very Very Fine: Judgment
A mother writes about being judgmental. She thinks parents who circumcise their baby boys made a really, really regrettable choice. She received the parenting advice to "folow her gut" and she thinks that is great advice.
Male Circumcision and HIV: IRIN PlusNews: Detailed reporting of the Western World's attempt to target Africans for foreskin removal
Discussion of an article about why some African men are resisting the circumcision campaign in Africa. The African circumcision campaign is yet another example of how Westerners push programs on other cultures without respect for personal and cultural objections.
Mens News Daily: The Geopolitics of Female Genital Cutting
A short note reprinting Steven Svoboda's paraphrase of Dena Davis, the head of the AAP committee that generated the May 1 statement condoning FGC. The AAP condoned the female genital mutilation of nicking because in the US there is not equality between the genders because our culture endorses cutting the genitals of boys.
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