Intactivism: Week in Review April 3, 2010
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism and the right of every child to have intact genitals. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
This week marks the anniversary of the female genital integrity law in the US. It is also the Genital Integrity Awareness Week and there is a demonstration in Washington, DC, to mark the anniversary and Genital Integrity Awareness Week.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
living peacefully with children: genital integrity awareness week
Genital integrity awareness week falls on the anniversary of the enactment of the female genital mutilation (FGM) federal law in the United States. 13 years later, boys are still not protected from routine infant genital mutilation, commonly refered to as circumcision.
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism and the right of every child to have intact genitals. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
This week marks the anniversary of the female genital integrity law in the US. It is also the Genital Integrity Awareness Week and there is a demonstration in Washington, DC, to mark the anniversary and Genital Integrity Awareness Week.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
living peacefully with children: genital integrity awareness week
Genital integrity awareness week falls on the anniversary of the enactment of the female genital mutilation (FGM) federal law in the United States. 13 years later, boys are still not protected from routine infant genital mutilation, commonly refered to as circumcision.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Gloria Lemay: Genital Integrity March in Wash., D.C. Tues, Mar 30/10
Information on the intactivist march from the US Capitol to the White House in Washington, DC. Everyone needs to support the battle against infant circumcision.
International Coalition for Genital Integrity: 20,000 sign CDC petition
More than 20,000 intactivists have already added their names to Intact Americas petition urging the CDC not to endanger our baby boys. They are just 3,152 signatures shy of their 25,000-signature goal!
Intentional Birth: Eliminating Infant Circumcision
Parents still need to be educated about reasons to leave children INTACT. Reasons to oppose the tradition of circumcision include: 1. The Foreskin is not a birth defect. 2. Protect your child from needless pain. 3. Children have the right to bodily integrity and cant give informed consent. 4. Long-term consequences, psychological and physical, have been identified.
Agora VOX: Circumcision or Genital Mutliation
Circumcision would have died out long ago, along with leeching, skull-drilling, and castration if it were frankly motivated by purely medical reasons. The fact is that the "reasons" were later invented and stereotyped to justify the ritual act of circumcision.
Calgary Herald: No reason for ultimate unkindly cut
Although the Canadian Paediatric Society first declared in 1975 that there is no medical necessity for neonatal circumcision -- indeed, that any benefits are outweighed by harms -- Calgary leads Canada in infant circumcisions.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Mikael's Blog: As many of you know, I tweet about circumcision. Here's why!
A teenager describes how he was forcibly circumcised when he was 3-1/2 years old. He describes the trauma and how he reacted as a child, including needing two years of therapy.
Bellies and Babies: In honor of International Genital Integrity Awareness Week
A post with a YouTube video clip of the Scrubs episode on circumcision. Babies do not like being cut.
Still in St. Louis: Thinking things through
A mother writes about decisions and choices made while raising children. This mother did not choose to circumcise her baby boy and is planning ahead to the day when her husband will talk to her son about his intact penis and how others may not be so lucky to avoid circumcision.
MadAtoms: Uncircumcised in America
An intact man speaks up about the benefits of having foreskin. He writes about what it is like to be uncircumcised in the circumcision culture of the United States.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
existere (latin): to stand out, to emerge: Parenting: How we roll
A mother describes her parenting decisions. She decided not to circumcise her twins. The comments support the decision to not circumcise baby boys.
Me as a blogger: My Circumcision
A man who was circumcised at birth writes about being reminded that he is missing part of his body every time he goes to the bathroom and sees his circumcised penis. His two sons were not circumcised and are intact and happy.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Crunchy Chicken: Grab your foreskin!
A light hearted look at the Senslip, an artificial foreskin for circumcised men. Crunchy Chicken does a good job of presenting it as an April Fool's joke, but it is for real.
A Prayer to the medical industry (Broken link)
A prayer for doctors to spend some of the money they make from infant circumcisions on non-surgical foreskin restoration techniques.
The Front Porch Swing: Pain, I can take it
A very powerful analysis of the pain endured by infants during their circumcision. The author systematically debunks the myths about infant pain, such as circumcision is too much for a man but OK for a baby, that forgotten pain is the best kind, and that men should not suffer the pain of circumcision and it should be done before they can remember it.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Mother Jones: Much Ado About Cutting
Adult film star Rocco Siffredi (nom de guerre: Italian Stallion) says he found out the hard way that he feels less sexual pleasure after his adult circumcision. He regrets his adult circumcision. "The people who were circumcised since they were a baby," he warns, "they can never understand."
Mikael's Blog: Graham J: A Prayer to the medical industry
Mikael thinks that the medical industry needs to work on techniques for restoring foreskins that were removed against the owner's wishes.
Brookline TAB: Letter: Time to reconsider circumcision
A letter to a local newspaper describing how infant circumcision is unethical because it removes erogenous tissue without consent of the individual.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
My Christian family's Blog: Circumcision & Christianity
A Christian man reiterates the blog from Peaceful Parenting on circumcision and religion. "If you are a Christian, you are entirely free of any religious reason for circumcision. In fact, historically, Christians have been specifically forbidden to practice circumcision. I suspect that when some misinformed Christians imagine that they have a religious reason for circumcising."
Swazi Weekend Observer: Swaziland is not a project!
An opinion piece from Swaziland questioning if the circumcision campaign against HIV is truly well-thought out and beneficial to the poeple of Swaziland. The author points out that the circumcision campaign in Africa is a disaster if the message is that condoms no longer are required.
Rabbit Write: Feminism and Circumcision
A critique of the Jezebel post and its man-hate. The author ponders why feminists have not embraced the movement to stop male infant circumcision.
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#1 thanks for the link
Thanks so much for mentioning my blog on your list. Helps to know others appreciate it. Gloria Lemay, Vancouver BC Canada