Intactivism: Week in Review April 24, 2010
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
AskMyGirlFriend: Restoring the foreskin
A circumcised man asks about undoing his circumcision by restoring his foreskin.
The Dog Ate My Care Plan: Some Boo-boos You Cant Kiss Away
A nursing student experiences her first male infant circumcision. Seeing the baby's pain made her want to go home and profusely apologize to her 10 year old son.
Monday, Apri 19, 2010
The Outspoken Tomato: Time to implement routine breast removal?
Parents want to do what is best for their children. Why not consider removing the breasts from baby girls because 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer. "Breast removal can be very painful, but that's why it should be done on babies. They are be able forget any pain and trauma they may experience quickly and completely." If removing baby girl's breasts makes no sense, then why do Americans remove part of the male sex organ during male infant circumcision?
L'Hote: Abortion and Circumcision
Freddie stops short of saying that parents should have no choice in the matter of infant circumcision. "Many people seem to circumcise their infant boys out of a vague sense that it's just what's done, not out of religious conviction or appeal to the (seemingly negligible) health benefits for those in the developed world. That seems to me to be a terrible imposition on the right of the child to control his own body, without much justification at all."
The Atlantic: The Daily Dish: His Foreskin, His Choice
Andrew Sullivan quotes Freddie and wonders why parents cannot "allow their own sons to make that decision for themselves" when it comes to circumcision.
Drivewayguy's Blog: Genre Translation: Death by Circumcision
The story of Demetrius, who died within 24 hours of his infant circumcision. Male infant circumcision has risks and complications.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Psychology Today: Here to Help: Sexual Repression: The Malady That Considers Itself the Remedy
A discussion of sexual repression. An example given is DR. John H. Kellogg, who advocated circumcision of boys without anesthesia so that they would associate the pain with their penis.
International Coalition for Genital Integrity: 23,400 sign anti-CDC petition
Intact America is collecting signatures for a petition urging the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to NOT recommend male infant circumcision. Everyone is urged to sign the petition.
Jezebel: Circumcision And Abortion: The Case For Body Autonomy
"A woman's right to control her own body is more frequently and severely contested than a man's right to control his, but this shouldn't necessarily eclipse issues like male circumcision. Instead, maybe we should take challenges to women's autonomy as opportunities to consider the bodily rights of all humans." The author will not go so far as to say, "His body, his choice."
Sagacious Mama: 20 Reasons I Did Not Circumcise My Son
A mother identifies 20 reasons not to circumcise an infant. Included in the reasons are the pain of infant circumcision, infant circumcision is unnecessary surgery, the penis is the boys body part and parents have no right to have it removed, male circumcision creates problems for women, and other reasons why infant circumcision is a bad idea.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: Circumcision: Already Illegal?
A discusion of male infant circumcision. "A heterosexual American man who engages in moderately risky sexual activity will have a less than .03% chance of catching HIV over a 60 year period...not exactly a reason to routinely circumcise all infant boys."
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: Article Asks: "Are Infant Foreskins the New Botox?"
"Your baby's penis belongs on his body - not on your face." A British company is promoting Vavelta, which is made of fibroblasts from infant foreskins removed during male infant circumcision.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Universal Hub: State Senate cuts bill to ban circumcision
A letter to a Jewish mailing list states that the Massachusetts Bill Against Circumcision was killed and cannot be revived during the current session. Seems like the politicians were catering to a vocal religious constituency.
Wicked Local: Brookline TAB Blog: Creem committee kills circumcision ban
A blogger notes that she was oblivious to the circumcision question until the issue started drawing attention from the public.
Bering in Mind: Is male circumcision a humanitarian act?
Apparently, the author is circumcised and attempts to justify the continued circumcision, even though his blog gives good reasons for not circumcising.
before. during. after.: Gentle birth choices
A doula reviews the third supplemental video of Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper, R.N. "Babies do feel pain, probably more so than older children and adults, another reason (among many, many others) that circumcisions should not be done. . . . This video called circumcision a sexual assault on an infant."
Saturday: April 24, 2010
DrMomma Peaceful Parenting: Doctors Reject Circumcision As HIV Prevention
A discussion of the number of exaggerated claims made for the alleged efficacy of male circumcision in preventing female-to-male infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The various HIV transmission vectors are discussed with the reasons male circumcision will have limited impact on HIV infection rates.
Greg Laden's blog: To cut or not to cut: The question of circumcision
"The interesting outcome, not mentioned in the article or in any of the comments I read, is that it is perfectly reasonable to conclude from Bering's (and other's) logic that first world heterosexual men should not necessarily get circumcised, and nor should homosexual receptive partners."
- Tally's blog
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