Intactivism: Week in Review March 13, 2010
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Skeptic but Jewish: Circumcision
A discussion of circumcision and how the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) is often cited as a reason to support infant circumcision.
WTF? Sex Facts: Sex Fact #525
Lawmakers in Boston are debating a bill this month to make infant circumcision illegal in the State.
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: My Son is Circumcised and I Support the MGM Bill
A mother describes how her son was circumcised after birth without her permission. Her son suffers from meatal stenosis due to the circumcision.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
IntactByDefault: No evidence circumcision works = It may work?
A comment about a recent study in which the researchers, in spite of finding no evidence that male circumcision leads to a reduction of HIV, still maintain that circumcision may reduce the risk.
IntactByDefault: Circumcision may increase HIV spread among gay men...
Data from a recent study is analyzed. The data shows a reduction in the rate of HIV infection if the man is intact and not circumcised. But, the researchers ignore this aspect of the data because they assert that there may be benefits to removing part of a man's sex organ.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Chico The controversial cut
A news article discussing male infant circumcision. A doctor says circumcision is "more of a social decision than a medical decision, because the evidence is not very clear-cut in the U.S."
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: The Morality of Circumcision According to the Catholic Church
A discussion of the reasons why the Catholic religion does not endorse circumcision.
Friday, March 12, 2010
In Which I Bitch: Slicing Pieces Off Your Babies
A woman discusses male infant circumcision: "How the hell did genital mutilation become a side dish for a typical hospital delivery? People are twisted."
Expansion of Space: Study Finds That Cutting Off Fingers Reduces Number of Gunshot Victims
A common reason for male infant circumcision is that removal of the foreskin prevents or reduces the risk of many bad things, for example, urinary tract infections UTIs, cancer, HIV, masturbation, insanity, etc. The blog shows how silly it is to amputate a healthy body part in order to reduce the risk of something that rarely occurs.
All Natural, Single Mothering 101: Define Cruelty Free
A mother discusses the use of infant foreskins to develop cosmetics. Baby boys are hurt by infant circumcision, so those cosmetics cannot claim to be "cruelty free."
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Intimate Medicine - all about sex: Circumcision is Pointless
A discussion of male infant circumcision and that the "strongest reason against circumcision is the fact that there are too few reasons for circumcision."
- Tally's blog
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