Intactivism: Week in Review January 30, 2010
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism. The following list includes blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Male Circumcision and HIV: INTERVIEW: Stephen Svoboda of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child talks about HIV and infant circumcision
J. Stephen Svodboda of Attorneys for the Rights of the Child discusses the current campaign for circumcsion as an HIV preventative measure. He makes that point that infant circumcision to prevent HIV is lunacy because infants do not get HIV from sex. It will be many years later, when the infant grows into a man, before he needs to be concerned with HIV protection. Condoms prevents AIDS, circumcision does not.
Monday, January 25, 2010
The Venus in You - Unleashed: Circumcision Awareness: The Ins & Outs Of The Cut
A feminist comes out against male infant circumcision, even though it is an accepted custom in the United States.
KPBS: Many Layers, and San Diego. Connections To Male Circumcision Debate
A radio program discussing infant circumcision and interviewing David Maass, a San Diego journalist who has written about circumcision, Dr. Mo Bidair, a urologist who performs circumcision, and Mathew Hess, author of the Male Genital Mutilation Bill. Mo Bidair compares circumcision to vaccination and relies on the penile cancer argument to justify circumcision. *sigh*
Last Blog on Earth: Circumcision bonus links
A link to a circumcision video by David Maass, the journalist who was interviewed in the radio program linked above.
Dan and Jenn: Q&A: Anger Over Circumcision
A YouTube Video by Dan and Jenn where they describe why infant circumcision, although widely practiced, violates the bodily integrity of the infant. Babies cannot give informed consent for genital alterations. If it was any other body part that was being altered, everyone would be upset.
Male Circumcision and HIV: INTERVIEW: Shelton Walden interviews Geogeanne Chapin of Intact America on WBAI's Walden's Pond
A link to an inteview with Georgeanne Chapin of Intact America. Intact America is to be applauded for their efforts in bringing circumcision information to the public through the media.
Male Circumcision and HIV: INTERVIEW: Maureen Cavanaugh interviews Matthew Hess of on KPBS
Information on a radio interview about male circumcision.
Male Circumcision and HIV: INTACTIVISM: A new technique to thwart a new justification to harm infant boys (file under amusing and disturbing displays)
A video of a man protesting at a pro-life event by taking an extreme pro-life viewpoint and shouting it out. The possibility of using this tactic at a pro-circumcision gathering is discussed.
CNP-The Business of Sexual Health: The reality of HIV
A woman with African ties discusses the horrors of HIV. The point is made that even circumcised men must wear a condom to prevent HIV infection.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Situation: Terminal: Bill Gates wants to Circumcise Africa?
A common sense look at Bill Gates funding the campaign to circumise men in Africa. Circumcised or not, men in Africa still need to practice safe sex, which has better efficacy than circumcision.
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: Are you fully informed?
A discussion about informed consent for infant circumcision. The blog includes an extensive list of informative and educational links about infant circumcision.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Honestly Yours, Me: Circumcision: what they didn't tell me
A mother's story about having her infant son circumcised and the medical emergency that resulted from complications of the circumcision. She did not circumcise her second son.
Baby: Does Medi-cal Pay For Infant Circumcision? If Not How Much Does It Cost?
An article on how circumcision has no benefits and that an uncircumcised baby is easier to care for - wipe like a finger and never retract the foreskin - let the boy do it when he is ready.
The Frisky: Mind Of Man: I Want All of My Penis Back!
A man humorously laments the loss of his foreskin by circumcision. Unfortunately, too many comments are by ill-informed or just argumentative people, but that is just the way the site is.
Male Circumcision and HIV: Male Circumcision and The Frisky
A copy of the post made in The Frisky by the man who questions his circumcision.
YouTube: AntiBullshitMan: Infant Circumcision = Involuntary Mutilation
A young man makes a case against male infant circumcision.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Bioethics Forum: Circumcision Deserves Circumspection
An associate professor of womens and gender studies admits to having your infant son circumcised 21 years ago. She now recognizes that non-therapeutic infant circumcision is ethically wrong. She signed the Intact America peition urging the the American Academy of Pediatrics NOT to recommend circumcision to parents of newborn baby boys.
Note to Self: Bystander to a Crime Against Humanity
A man writes that he feels violated by his infant circumcision. He writes that removing part of the sex organ of an infant violates that infant, regardless of gender.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Le Petit Owlet: Leave that Foreskin Alone! 10 Reasons NOT to Circumcise Your Baby Boy
A plea by a mother for other parents to leave their son's foreskin alone and not circumcise it. She considers infant circumcision as genital mutilation.
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: Circumcision deserves Circumspection
A reprint of the Bioethics Forum identified above where a professor describes why she now recognizes that non-therapeutic infant circumcision is not ethical.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: Basic Care of the Intact Penis
Thorough and informative information on how to care for a boy with an intact penis, that is, a boy who is not circumcised.
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: Common Questions Regarding Normal Separation of the Intact Boy
Another thorough and informative article. This one describing the details of an intact penis and its normal developement. The author describes some of the things parents should watch out for and what they can do.
DrMomma: Peaceful Parenting: Painful Urination During Prepuce Separation
Information on what happens when a young boy's foreskin begins separating from the glans.
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