Intactivism: Week in Review January 2, 2010
Say no to circumcision - support intactivism. This is a list of blogs, articles, and websites of interest to Intactivists that were published in the past week. This is a running tally of the ones I found interesting. The holiday week did not see many circumcision related posts.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
YouTube: Circumcision Part 1 of 3 Circumcision Part 2 of 3 Circumcision Part 3 of 3
Video blog by a young man who is intact. He describes his experience growing up with a foreskin, the history of circumcision, and life in general. As an intact man, he has never had a UTI or any other problems.
Male Circumcision and HIV: MILESTONES: Three Years of MC_HIV
MC_HIV celebrates three years of providing information on circumcision.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Woman Uncensored: Would you circumcise your daughter?
A story about a father who wants to circumcise his newborn daughter. He gives all the standard reasons to cut her genitals. At the end, the author reveals that the gender of the child was changed and it was a boy who was to be circumcised. Why is one an atrocity and the other routine?
Dr Momma: peaceful parenting: Circumcision Information Take 3
Discussion of a video set (described above for Sunday) by a young man. DrMomma was impressed with the video blog.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Male Circumcision and HIV: END OF 00s: The decade circumcision without consent gained a new lease on life
Commentary on the current advocacy of circumcision with little critical thinking or examination of the various pro-circ advocate studies.
no circumcision: Circumcision of Males in America and How it is Viewed by American Women
A blog describing how American women are anti-foreskin and perpetuate the pro-circumcision culture in the United States.
The Human Pacifier: Are women responsible for unnecessary, non-religious circumcision of male infants in America?
A mother responds to the post at no circumcision above. She agrees that women are largely responsible for the circumcision of infant boys in the US.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Salem News: Circumcision by an Intern
A doctor tells of his first circumcision of an infant boy. The experience was enough to convince him that routine infant circumcision was wrong.
Heroin and Cornflakes: Circumcision: Should it be Illegal for Under 18s?
A blog with lots of good information about circumcision. The author posted a question on the White House discussion board and got a wide range of answers.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Woman: Uncensored: What have I done? - Voices of circumcision remorse
A blog discussing the many mothers who regret having their infant sons circumcised.
Yeast Infection Treatment Review: If circumcision is a good thing… why are there no (continuted)…?
The quesion is why are there no intact doctors advocating circumcision?
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